FAQs about Jillian Michaels Weight-Control Formulations

Q: How did you come up with the idea for your new line of weight-control formulations?

A: I’ve been doing this for a lot of years. As many people know, before I became a successful TV trainer, life coach and author, I was just another overweight kid with low self-esteem. So believe me, I know what being overweight is all about. But I took the necessary steps to change my life. I finally overcame, and I wanted to help make it possible for others to do so. For quite some time I’ve been searching for compounds that would help overcome the two greatest pitfalls to successful weight loss: first, not having the willpower to actually reduce your caloric intake (follow a diet plan); and second, not seeing and feeling results quickly enough to motivate you to continue toward a healthier life. My new products are designed to cut through all the diet jargon and help you get the results you want.

Q: So what specifically do your supplements do to help people achieve their weight-loss goals?

A: As everyone knows, if you want to lose weight, you need to reduce your caloric intake. It sounds simple, but the truth is, if it were easy, most of us would not be overweight. This is where Jillian Michaels Maximum Strength Calorie Control comes in: it’s a unique, scientifically developed formulation that restricts your caloric intake. In other words, when you take this compound 15 minutes before main meals, you want to eat fewer calories. The herbal compound restricts your caloric intake, without bloating, and without “tummy fillers.” But the best part is, you don’t FEEL like you’re eating fewer calories. So essentially you’re on a calorie-restricted diet without even knowing it. You take 2 capsules before your main meals, you reduce your caloric intake, and you lose weight. It is a simple, effective way to move you towards overall health. Basically it’s a super-effective appetite suppressant supported by published clinical trials. In another, smaller study, the compound was shown to have an influence on ghrelin, the so-called “hunger hormone.” In any case, a compound that reduces your caloric intake (meaning you eat less without even trying) to me is almost a miracle. I’m really excited about this product.

Q: Okay, that takes care of the “caloric restriction” aspect of weight loss... what about your Maximum Strength Fat Burner?

A: As I said, one of the two major pitfalls to successful weight loss is not seeing results quickly enough to keep you motivated. When you’ve finally made up your mind to take the initiative, reduce your caloric intake, and start getting regular exercise, you really want to see a difference as a reward for all your hard work. I’ve found that the biggest visible difference occurs due to the loss of actual body fat. In other words, your overall “volume” diminishes. Your muscular structure becomes more visible and you look leaner and sexier. My Maximum Strength Fat Burner contains a unique blend of natural compounds designed specifically to help your body lose fat. Not just weight, but actual body fat. So you see results quickly, and stay motivated to work hard and see even better results. That’s why my Fat Burner is an integral part of my total weight-loss system.

Q: So what’s the QuickStart Rapid Weight Loss System? Is it just both of these products in one kit?

A: Basically, yes. Losing weight is hard enough, so I’ve discovered that people really respond to introductory kits or “starter packs” when they’re first starting a diet. It takes the guesswork out of it. So the QuickStart kit contains both the Fat Burner and the Calorie Control to maximize your weight-loss success, and at a great price. However, we wanted to offer each product individually as well. For example, if you’re already on a weight-loss program but are having trouble sticking to your diet because you’re hungry all the time, you can just purchase the Maximum Strength Calorie Control. If you’re already successfully losing weight but aren’t seeing as much body fat loss or definition as you would like, you need the Maximum Strength Fat Burner.

Q: What’s the story on your Detox/Cleanse product?

A: Detoxification and cleansing is important for everyone, particularly those who want their body functioning at its peak. My Triple Process Total Body Detox & Cleanse is a great way to reduce belly bloat, reduce body waste buildup, support your colon and digestive system, help support the liver’s natural detoxification process, and help you feel lighter and more energized. The most important thing about this product is that it contains no harsh chemical laxatives and requires no fasting. There are a lot of so-called “cleanse” products out there but I wanted one that used natural ingredients and not harsh chemicals. Plus my formula comes with a 7-day Probiotic Replenishment supplement to help replace the beneficial flora in the digestive tract.

Q: So what made you select these compounds in particular for your line of weight-control formulations?

A: Because of my TV connections, I’ve been lucky enough to have access to some of the best bariatric scientists in the field. Over the past few years I’ve spoken personally to some of the leading experts in the field of obesity from around the world. I know what the problems are, and kept on asking the experts, “Are there any natural compounds that will really help reduce caloric intake and help with ‘fat burning?’” The experts I spoke to kept on pointing to these two formulations (the Calorie Control and Fat Burner compounds). So I read about them, asked around, read the studies, spoke to more experts, and I firmly believe these are the absolute best natural compounds to help people who want to lose weight.

Q: What makes your formulations different from the rest of the market?

A: In the first place, they actually work! As you likely are aware, there are a lot of fly-by-night companies in the weight-loss business. But I wouldn’t put my name on a product unless I truly believed in it and in its quality. The compounds we use are proprietary and unique, and the extractions are the purest available. That may not sound that impressive, but you truthfully can’t get this quality and composition of ingredients anywhere else in the world. In making effective, natural weight-loss formulations, the important thing is the active compounds have to be as pure as possible. Quality control is therefore extremely important. Putting all of these things together is a time-consuming and very exacting process (and isn’t cheap). That’s why it’s taken more than three years to develop a line of products that I was willing to put my name on.

Q: Why do people need supplements at all? Can’t people just exercise?

A: You know I’m going to tell you that exercise is extremely important, for two reasons: First, it makes you look good. Exercise tones your body and helps give you attractive muscular structure and curves. This boosts self-esteem and makes you want to keep doing it. Second, exercise makes you healthy. It’s good for you. There is simply no substitute for regular strenuous exercise (if you’re in otherwise good health). Interestingly enough, overweight people often have more muscle mass because they’ve built up muscle to carry around all that extra weight. The key is getting rid of the excess fat hiding what could be a rock hard, lean, trim body underneath. And in many cases you simply can’t exercise your way to significant weight loss. That begins with caloric restriction. That’s where my new Calorie Control supplement comes in. It helps reduce your caloric intake so you’re actually dieting without feeling like you are. As you lose the excess weight, you start looking and feeling better and want to keep working hard. Plus, exercise becomes easier as you start to drop excess pounds and get lighter.

Q: Do your supplements work for everyone?

A: Despite what some people may tell you, NO weight-control product or program will work for absolutely everyone. That’s why my formulations are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Simply stated, if you are not satisfied with any Jillian Michaels weight-control formula, just return it to the place of purchase within 30 days.